Use the Assembly tab > Component panel > Add Component Advanced option to add components with axial attachments, such as ejector pins, bolts and screws. The advanced options enable you to manage axial components, for example, to insert axial secondary components into holes on primary components, by looking for plane-axis attachments on the axial secondary, such as the centre of a screw head or ejector pin.
This example demonstrates inserting an axial 'screw' component as a secondary, into a hole on the primary component below:
The selected 'screw' component is added outside the bounding box of the existing components in the assembly, as the secondary:
and the Insert Axial Component toolbar is displayed.
Only combined attachments; where plane and axis attachments meet, are visible.
The secondary component is attached to the cursor.
By default, two types of attachments are visible; plane attachments, and combined attachments, such as holes in the primary component that the secondary component can be inserted into.
This creates a line-to-line and a plane-to plane relation.