Add/Remove Items dialog

Use this dialog to add or remove items in a drawing view to control the content of a view:

  1. Select the Items button on the Edit View dialog.
  2. Use the Add/Remove dialog to add or remove items:

    Add items to view — Select this option to add items to the view that have previously been removed.

    Remove items from view — Select items in the view then select this option to remove the items from the view. The items are flagged when they are removed so they can be re-added. Select the Add items to view option to add the items back to the view.

    If the view is a hidden view or contains hidden detail, the display changes to wireframe so the items can be selected.

    Apply —Select to apply the changes to the view.

    OK — Apply the changes to the view and close the dialog.

    Note: When you click OK, a dialog is displayed to prompt you to select Update to update the view with the changes.
  3. Select Update on the Edit View dialog to update the view.