Use this page to select the method to apply the wrappers to the target objects.
Specify how the Chord wrapper is applied to the target object on the Chord Length Wrap Map Creation page of the Wrap Wizard.
To position the wireframe correctly, view the objects on the screen so you are looking directly at the area where the wireframe lies. Then select the Plane option.
If the option was already selected before you adjusted the position of the objects, select it again after adjusting the position.
The wireframe is wrapped onto the objects along the vertical axis of the screen. It is then projected on the objects from the bounding cylinder around them.
Before selecting this option, make sure the objects are viewed such that the vertical axis of where you want to put the wrapped curves is aligned with the vertical axis of the screen.
The example below uses the cylindrical projection and the active workplane lies on the surface of the bottle.
The wireframe is wrapped around the bottle and centred on the workplane origin with its Y axis aligned to the workplane's Y axis.
Plane, Cylinder, or UV methods — The Wrapper Layoutpage of the Wrap Wizard is displayed.
Chord method — The Chord Length Wrap Map Creation page of the Wrap Wizard is displayed.
Upon selection of a wrap method, the target object changes colour: