Print Set-up

Click File > Print > Print Set-up to adjust the print settings using the Page Setup dialog:


These options enable you to choose the size of the paper.

A preview image is shown on the dialog.

Tip: If you click this image, the Print Preview dialog is displayed showing this image.


These options fit your image onto the paper.

Note: Your image may not fit the paper. When using Draft tab > Drawing panel options, if the drawing is smaller than the paper, it is not scaled up.


These options determine what is printed from the model or drawing window.


This gives the values to offset the margins from the edge of the paper.

Force colours to black — Print all coloured objects as black.

White background — Print the background as white. White objects are printed as black.

Draw margins — Draw a border around the image using the Margins values.

Timestamp — Add the following to the image:

Printer — Open the Print Setup dialog, which you can use to change the current printer settings in PowerShape.

Files... — Open the Print to File Settings dialog. This is used to set the image size.

OK — Save any changes and close the dialog.

Cancel — Discard changes and close the dialog.