Analyzing differences between models

Use the Analysis option to find differences between any two objects:

Note: The availability of this feature is license dependent.
  1. Click Visualisation tab > Model panel > Analysis to display the Comparison Analysis dialog:

  2. Select the first item to compare against (source item).
  3. Select the second item to compare to (target item).
  4. Click Calculate.

    The differences between the objects are shown as an error map:

  5. Use the other options on the dialog as follows:
    • Click the Statistics button to display the deviation statistics.

    • Click the Export button to export differences to using the Export To dialog:

      You can export differences between objects to ASCII text file or STL file.

    • Click the Options button to change the comparison analysis options.
    • Click the Curve Deviations button to display the curve deviations. The option is deselected by default.
    • Use the Line scale slider or enter a value in the box to define the curve deviation line widths. This option is available only when you click the Curve Deviations button.
    • Click the Shade buttons to show or hide shading. The model below shows:

      Difference shading hidden.

      Difference shading shown.