Dimension dialog - Tolerance tab

This tab enables you to edit the tolerance of the dimension.

Each dimension can have two tolerance values associated with it. The tolerance values show the range within which a dimension value can vary.

If you are in dimension creation mode and you change values on this dialog, the values are stored for the current session of dimension creation.

Value 1 — One value of the range.

Value 2 — Second value of the range.

Limit and Fit — Enter limit and fit codes here. The tolerances for holes and shafts are automatically added to the dimensions.

Character height — Text height of the tolerance values.

Decimal places — Number of decimal places the tolerance values can take.

Alignment — You can edit the tolerance to display in three formats.

Clear tolerance — This button sets the contents of the Value 1 and Value 2 boxes to zero.

OK — Accepts the changes and closes the dialog.