Creating a variable fillet between surfaces and a curve

To create a variable fillet between surfaces and a curve:

  1. Click Surface tab > Manufacture panel > Fillet.
  2. Complete the Fillet Surface dialog as previously described.
  3. Select the surface.

  4. In the Selection part of the dialog, click the Secondary option
  5. Select the curve.

  6. Click OK.

    The Variable Fillet dialog is displayed, where you specify the details for the variable fillet as follows:

    • Current arc — Click on the curve where you want to create a variable fillet. A small arc is displayed on the curve, as shown in the example below. The corresponding number for the arc is added and displayed in the Current arc drop-down list.

    • Select one of the following options to specify the distance to be calculated for the variable fillet at the selected arc:

      ABS — Absolute distance

      REL — Relative distance

      PAR — Parametric distance.

    • - Enter the distance for the selected arc.
    • Preview — Click to display a preview of the variable fillet. You can continue to change the settings in the dialog and preview until you are satisfied.
    • Arc radius — Enter a radius for the selected arc.
    • Delete — Delete the selected arc.
    • OK — Click to create the variable fillet: