Steel / Aluminum Member Type

Use this option to select and/or define structure steel / aluminum member types. There are two ways to access this option:

The following dialog displays:.

MEMBER is the main calculation element in the Steel Design module. Usually it is a structure element of a certain type, e.g. a beam, a column, bracing etc. In some cases a member is defined as a chain of successive members entered during the structure definition.

The dialog consists of the three main parts:

The following icons are located in the upper part of the dialog:

The definition of a member type for other structure attributes in the structure is divided into two steps:

To delete a member type from the structure:

  1. Click on the active member type list,
  2. Select an object in the structure you want to delete the member type from

You cannot modify this type of member type; it is assigned the same way as attributing the member type to the structure.