Path of Travel Instance Properties

Modify instance properties to change the line style and mark value on a path of travel.

To change instance properties, select the element and change its properties on the Properties palette.

Name Description
Line Style Specifies the line style as defined in project settings. Use the line style to change the line color, weight, and style. See Create a Line Style.
Detail Line Indicates whether the line is a detail line. (Read Only)
View Name View where the Path of travel is placed. (Read Only)
Level Identifies the level on which this path of travel is placed. (Read Only)
Time Calculated time it takes to walk from the start point to the end point of the path of travel. Walking speed is set to 3 mph/1.34 mps (Read Only)
Length Specifies the actual length of all of the segments of the path of travel. (Read Only)
Identity Data

Identifies or enumerates a particular instance as specified by the user.

From Room

Room where the start point of the path of travel line is located.

To Room

Room where the end point of the path of travel line is located.