Curtain Wall Instance Properties

Modify instance properties to change an individual curtain wall's base and top constraints, grid pattern, and more.

To change instance properties, select the element and change its properties on the Properties palette.

Name Description
Base Constraint The base level of the curtain wall. For example, Level 1.
Base Offset Sets the curtain wall's height from its base constraint. This property is available only when the Base Constraint is set to a level.
Base is Attached Indicates whether the base of the curtain wall is attached to another model component, such as a floor. This is a read-only value.
Top Constraint Curtain wall height extends to the value specified in Unconnected Height.
Unconnected Height The height of the curtain wall when it is sketched.
Top Offset Sets the curtain wall's offset from the top level.
Top is Attached Indicates whether the curtain wall top is attached to another model component, such as a roof or ceiling. This is a read-only value.
Room Bounding If selected, the curtain wall is part of a room boundary. If not selected, the curtain wall is not part of a room boundary. This property is read-only before creating a curtain wall. After you draw the wall, you can select it and then modify this property.
Related to Mass Indicates that the element was created from a mass element. This is a read-only value.
Cross-Section Determines whether the wall is vertical or slanted.
Angle From Vertical Displays only when Slanted is selected for Cross-Section. Specifies the angle for a slanted walls. Specify an angle between 90° and -90°, where 0° is vertical. See Place a Slanted Wall.
Note: Positive or negative slant, as indicated in the Angle from Vertical parameter, is determined by the direction in which the wall is drawn. In the draw direction, right is always positive and left is always negative
Vertical/Horizontal Grid Pattern
Number If Layout (under Vertical/Horizontal Grid Pattern) is set to Fixed Number, enter a value here for the number of curtain grids on the curtain instance. The maximum value is 200.
Justification Determines how Revit adjusts the spacing of grids along the curtain element face, when the grid spacing does not divide evenly into the length of the face. Justification also determines which gridlines are first removed or added when gridlines are added or removed because of parameter changes or changes to the size of the face. Beginning adds space to the end of the face before placing the first grid. Center adds an even amount of space at both the beginning and end of the face. End adds space from the beginning of the face before placing the first grid.
Angle Rotates the curtain grids to the specified angle. You can also specify this value for individual faces. If you specify this parameter for a face, then no value displays in this field. Valid values are between 89 and –89.
Offset Starts grid placement at the specified distance from the justification point of the grids. For example, if Justification is specified as Beginning and you enter a value of 5 feet here, Revit places the first grid 5 feet from the beginning of the face. Note that you can also set this value for individual faces. If you specify this parameter for a face, then no value displays in this field.
Structural Usage Sets the structural usage of the curtain wall. This property is read-only before creating a curtain wall. After you draw the curtain wall, you can select it and then modify this property.
Length The length of the curtain wall. This is a read-only value.
Area The area of the curtain wall. This is a read-only value.
Identity Data
Comments Specific comments about the curtain wall.
Mark Sets a label for the curtain wall. This value must be unique for each curtain wall in a project. Revit warns you if the number is already used but allows you to continue using it. (You can see the warning using the Review Warnings tool. See Reviewing Warning Messages.)
Phase Created The phase when the curtain wall was created.
Phase Demolished The phase when the curtain wall was demolished.