About Room-Aware Families

When a room schedule does not reflect the correct room for an element, modify the element family to make it room-aware.

In most instances, families placed within a room are associated with the room in a schedule. There are a few circumstances in which a family instance does not report its room correctly. When families such as furniture, doors, windows, casework, specialty equipment and generic models are placed in a project, sometimes parts of their geometry are located outside a room, space, or within another family, which results in no calculable values being reported.

In this example, a raised wall counter wraps around a partition wall.

The counter family is comprised of a simple rectangular extrusion and placed at the center of the wall. The counter is oriented at its center (represented by the red dot in the following image), placing it in the wall.

Because of this, the counter cannot be scheduled to the room. To remedy instances such as this, make the family room-aware by modifying its room calculation point.