Ignore Fixtures

When linking a model to an MEP model, you may not want to copy all fixtures to the MEP model.

For example:

When you specify that a fixture category or type should be ignored, this setting persists when a linked model is reloaded. As a result, this category or type of fixtures cannot be found and copied until you change the setting.

To ignore a fixture category

  1. Open the MEP model and click Collaborate tabCoordinate panel (Coordination Settings).
  2. For Apply settings to, select New links or the appropriate linked model.
  3. Under Category, select the category to ignore.
  4. Under Behavior, for Copy behavior, select Ignore category.

To ignore a fixture type

  1. Open the MEP model and click Collaborate tabCoordinate panel (Coordination Settings).
  2. For Apply settings to, select the linked model from the drop-down list.
  3. Under Category, select a category.
  4. Under Behavior, for Copy behavior, select Allow batch copy or Copy individually.
  5. For Mapping behavior, select Specify type mapping.
  6. In the Category list, under the category name, select Type Mapping.
  7. For each fixture type to ignore, select Don’t copy this type.