Best Practices: Working on a Team Project

When working on a team project that is enabled for worksharing, use these guidelines to improve productivity and performance.

Worksets and Element Borrowing

Generally, it is recommended that you work in your local copy of the central model and not make worksets editable. When you edit an element that is not being edited by another team member, you automatically become the borrower of the element and can make the changes you need.

It is recommended that you synchronize with central frequently as you work. Synchronizing relinquishes borrowed elements by default, allowing other team members to edit them.

Use Worksharing Display Modes

Use worksharing display modes to visually distinguish element checkout status, element owners, model updates, and worksets.

Worksets Dialog

Close worksets from the Worksets dialog to globally turn off element visibility, instead of turning them off in the Visibility/Graphics dialog box.

Use Reload Latest

Use the Reload Latest command to update your copy of the project without changing the central model. This practice saves time by eliminating the need to reload the model during the save-to-central process.

Compact Central Model

Periodically synchronize with the central model with the Compact Central Model (slow) option selected. This option reduces file size when saving workset-enabled files. The process of compacting rewrites the entire file and removes obsolete parts in order to save space. Because the Compact process takes more time than a normal save, it is strongly recommended that you only do this when workflow can be interrupted.

Release RAM

Close unneeded worksets to release allocated RAM for use in memory-intensive tasks such as printing and exporting.