Rehost Models When a Revit Server Host Malfunctions

In the event of a malfunction with a Revit Server Host, you can create new copies of its central models on a different Host.

  1. IMPORTANT: Notify team members that the Host will be unavailable, and ask them to save and close all server-based models for which the central model is stored on that Host.
  2. If the Host role is not already enabled on the instance of Revit Server where you want create the new central models, enable it by editing the environment variable value.
  3. Make sure that the new Host is listed in the RSN.ini file on all Revit application workstations, Accelerators, and Admin servers that will need access to the rehosted central models.
  4. Create new central models from the most recent local copies to populate the new Host.
  5. Create new local models from the newly re-created central models.