Part 8: Place a Curtain Wall

In this exercise, you place a curtain wall at the store entry.

Category New Users
Time Required 10 minutes
Tutorial Files Used GSG_08_place_curtainwall.rvt

Before you begin, download the GSG_08_place_curtainwall.rvt file. Download this zip file (if you have not already downloaded the exercise files for the tutorials.)


Watch the video

Create a Curtain Wall

  1. Open project GSG_08_place_curtainwall.rvt.
  2. Verify that the 01 - Store Floor floor plan is open.
  3. Zoom in to the southeast corner of the building.
  4. On the Architecture tab, click Wall.
  5. In the Type Selector, choose Storefront.
  6. On the Properties palette, set the top constraint to Unconnected and the Unconnected Height to 3000.
  7. On the Draw panel, select the 3 point arc tool.
  8. Click the end points of the exterior walls as shown, and click the third point at the snap point to make a 90° arc point.

Place Embedded Curtain Walls

  1. On the Draw panel, select the line segments tool.
  2. In the Properties palette, set the Base Offset to 500 and the Unconnected Height to 2000.
  3. Place curtain walls directly over exterior walls as shown, using the reference planes as a guide.
  4. Click (Modify).
  5. On the Quick Access Toolbar, click (Default 3D View).
  6. Select one of the embedded curtain walls, and on the Properties palette, click (Edit Type).
  7. In the Type Properties dialog, click Duplicate.
  8. In the Name dialog, enter Front Windows.
  9. Change the spacing for the horizontal grid to 1200 and click OK.
  10. Select the other embedded curtain walls and change the type to Front Windows.

Add Doors to a Curtain Wall

  1. Position the cursor near the lower edge of a middle panel at the entry and use Tab to cycle the selection to the panel. Click to select the panel.
  2. Click (Pin) to unpin the panel.
  3. On the Type Selector, select Door-Curtain-Wall-Single-Glass.
  4. Position the cursor near the lower mullion of the door, use Tab to cycle to the mullion and click to select it.
  5. Unpin the mullion and press Delete.
  6. Repeat steps 1 - 5 for the adjacent panel.
  7. Select the mullion between the doors, unpin it and delete it.
  8. Open the 01- Store Floor floor plan view.
  9. Select the doors at the entry and use the flip controls to orient them correctly.

Part 9: Creating Stairs and Railings