Sketch a Bent Fabric Reinforcement Sheet

Sketch a profile line to place bent fabric reinforcement within a valid host.

Bent sheets of fabric reinforcement adhere to valid rebar host restrictions. While planning the bent reinforcement sheet, take note that you can only ben along the major or minor direction of the sheet, not both.
  1. Open a view perpendicular to the work plane on which to sketch the bent fabric sheet profile.
  2. Click Structure tab Reinforcement panel (Single Fabric Sheet Placement).
  3. Click Modify | Place Fabric Sheet tab Mode panel (Bend Profile).
  4. In the Type selector at the top of the Properties palette, select the desired fabric sheet type.
  5. Click the host for the fabric sheet. If not previously defined, you may be prompted to select a work plane on which to sketch a profile line.
  6. On the Properties palette, verify and change the following parameters as needed:
    • Bend Direction: Specify the fabric sheet edge of the profile line that you are sketching, either Major or Minor.
    • Longitudinal Cut Length: If the length of the fabric sheet perpendicular to the bent edge is too long, specify the length needed. The fabric sheet will be cut to the length specified.
  7. Click the flip control () in the drawing area to specify the orientation of the wires of the non bent edge of the fabric sheet. The following images show the two possible orientations for the wire.
  8. Use the sketching tools to sketch the profile line for the bent edge. As a guide, snap the profile line to rebar cover and geometry.
    Note: The line length is restricted to the coinciding Cut Overall parameter in the Properties pallette. Cut Overall Length displays the major direction of the sheet. Cut Overall Width displays the minor direction of the sheet. While you can sketch a longer line, the sheet only extends to the end of the appropriate measurement.
  9. Click Modify | Create Bend Profile tab Mode panel (Finish Edit Mode). The fabric sheet displays.
    Note: To rehost a bent fabric reinforcement sheet, select it and click Modify | Structural Fabric Reinforcement Host panel (Pick New Host). Then select a new host.