Beam System Instance Properties

Modify beam system instance properties to change beam spacing, beam layout, identity data, and more.

To change instance properties, select the element and change its properties on the Properties palette.

Name Description
3D Creates a non-planar beam system in which the elevation of a beam is defined by its sketch lines. See Create a Non-planar Beam System.
Elevation The vertical offset of beam system beams from the beam system work plane.
Work Plane This is a read-only value that is dependent on the work plane where the element was placed.
Layout Rule Rules for beam spacing. See Modify the Layout of a Beam System.
Fixed Spacing The space between beams. This parameter is only accessible for certain values of the Layout Rule parameter. See Modify the Layout of a Beam System.
Centerline Spacing The distance between beam centerlines. This is a read-only parameter.
Justification Specifies the starting location (beginning, end, or center) of the beam system in relation to the selected boundary.
Beam Type The structural framing type to be used for creating beams in a beam system.
Identity Data
Tag new members in view Specifies the view in which to display new beam elements added to the beam system. See Tag New Beams in a Beam System.
Comments User comments.
Mark A label created for the beam system. This value must be unique for each element in a project. Revit warns you if the number is already used but allows you to continue using it. You can see the warning using the Review Warnings tool. See Review Warning Messages.
Phase Created Indicates in which phase the beam system was created. See Project Phasing.
Phase Demolished Indicates in which phase the beam system was demolished. See Project Phasing.