Create Precast Double Walls

Learn how to configure a precast double wall type.

To create a precast double wall:

  1. Create a structural wall.
  2. In the wall type properties, click (Edit Type).
  3. In the Type Properties, click Duplicate and create a new Double Wall type.
  4. Under Type Parameters, click Edit in the Value column for the Structure parameter.
  5. In the Edit Assembly dialog, create 3 layers as follows:
    1. In the Function column, create 3 layers in the following order: Structure[1]; Thermal/Air Layer[3]; Structure[1].
    2. In the Material column, add the following materials: Concrete; Air; Concrete.
    3. Input the desired thickness values for each layer.
    Note: Check the Structural Material box for any of the layers that have the Structure[1] function to define the first shell of the double wall.