Structural Column Instance Properties

Modify structural column instance properties to change level offsets, geometry justification, phasing data, and more.

To change instance properties, select the element and change its properties on the Properties palette.

Name Description
Column Location Mark The coordinate location of a vertical column on the project grid.
Base Level Constraining level of the column base.
Base Offset Offset of base from base level.
Top Level Constraining level of the column top.
Top Offset Offset of top from top level.
Moves With Grids Changes the vertical column constraint to the grid. See Lock Columns to a Grid.
Move Top With Grids Constrains the top endpoint of the slanted column to the grid.
Move Base With Grids Constrains the base endpoint of the slanted column to the grid.
Top Cut Style Either Perpendicular, Horizontal, or Vertical. Specifies the cut style at the top of the column when unattached to a reference or element.
Top Extension Offset of the top of the column when unattached to a reference or element.
Base Cut Style Either Perpendicular, Horizontal, or Vertical. Specifies the cut style at the base of the column when unattached to a reference or element.
Base Extension Offset of the base of the column when unattached to a reference or element.
Column Style Either Vertical, Slanted - End Point Driven, or Slanted - Angle Driven. Specifies the slant style of the column which enables type specific modification tools. See Slanted Column Manual Adjustment Tools.
Base Geometry Alignment Either Location Line, Top of beam, Bottom of Beam, or Center of Beam. Specifies the working point along an attached beam to which the centerline of a slanted column adjusts at its base.
Top Geometry Alignment Either Location Line, Top of beam, Bottom of Beam, or Center of Beam. Specifies the working point along an attached beam to which the centerline of a slanted column adjusts at its top.
Base is Attached Read-only parameter specifying that the base of the column is mid-joined to a beam or attached to a structural floor or roof.
Attachment Justification At Base Either Minimum Intersection, Intersect Column Midline, Maximum Intersection, or Tangent. Specifies the degree of cutback or tangential justification at the base of the column at the join.
Offset From Attachment At Base Offset of the base of the column from the mid-joined beam or attached elements.
Top is Attached Read-only parameter specifying that the top of the column is mid-joined to a beam or attached to a structural floor or roof.
Attachment Justification At Top Either Minimum Intersection, Intersect Column Midline, Maximum Intersection, or Tangent. Specifies the degree of cutback or tangential justification at the top of the column at the join.
Offset From Attachment At Top Offset of the top of the column from the mid-joined beam or attached elements.
Room Bounding Changes column constraint to room-bounding conditions.
Materials and Finishes
Structural Material

For more information, see Change the Physical Properties of a Material.

Top Connection Applies to steel columns only. Turns on the visibility of a moment or shear connection symbol. The symbols are visible only in elevations and cuts parallel to the main axis of the column in coarse view.
Base Connection Applies to steel columns only. Turns on the visibility of the base plate symbol. The symbols are visible only in elevations and cuts parallel to the main axis of the column in coarse view.
Enable Analytical Model Displays the analytical model and includes it in analytical calculations. Selected by default. See Disable an Analytical Model.
Top Attachment Type Either Distance or Ratio. Determines if the top join of a slanted column is measured as a distance or a ratio of the length of the beam.
Top Attachment Distance Distance from the referenced end of the top attached beam to the join location on the slanted column.
Top Attachment Ratio The ratio of distance from the referenced end of the attached beam to the top join location on the slanted column to the total length of the beam.
Top Attachment Referenced End Either Start or End. Specifies the end of the top attached beam from which to calculate distance or ratio.
Base Attachment Type Either Distance or Ratio. Determines if the base join of a slanted column is measured as a distance or a ratio of the length of the beam.
Base Attachment Distance Distance from the referenced end of the base attached beam to the join location on the slanted column.
Base Attachment Ratio The ratio of distance from the referenced end of the attached beam to the base join location on the slanted column to the total length of the beam.
Base Attachment Referenced End Either Start or End. Specifies the end of the base attached beam from which to calculate distance or ratio.
Rebar Cover - Top Face Applies to concrete columns only. Sets the rebar cover distance from the column top face.
Rebar Cover - Bottom Face Applies to concrete columns only. Sets the rebar cover distance from the column bottom face.
Rebar Cover - Other Faces Applies to concrete columns only. Sets the rebar cover distance from the column to other element faces.
Estimated Reinforcement Volume Specifies the estimated reinforcement volume of the selected element. This is a read-only parameter that only displays when rebar has been placed.
Volume Volume of the selected column. A read-only value.
Identity Data
Comments User comments.
Mark A label created for the column. Possible use: shop mark. This value must be unique for each element in a project. Revit warns you if the number is already used but allows you to continue using it. You can see the warning using the Review Warnings tool. For more information, see Review Warning Messages.
Phase Created Indicates in which phase the column component was created. For more information, see Project Phasing.
Phase Demolished Indicates in which phase the column component was demolished. For more information, see Project Phasing.