Data cards can be displayed in two different ways: the fingertip view and the full data card view.
Common vault commands can be accessed from any of the data card views using a context menu. You can quickly refresh from vault, get a revision, check in, check out, undo check out, revise, or change state without ever having to switch back to the vault browser or access the vault ribbon.
The fingertip view is the default view for Data Cards. This view is a collapsed, read-only version of the full data card. When a file is selected and the data card feature enabled, the fingertip displays the:
View Fingertip Information
The data card window displays.
The data card grid updates automatically to show the part's file name, a thumbnail, revision, state, category, and vault status.
The fingertip can be expanded into a full data card which displays all of the information in the fingertip view as well as certain property information. The CAD administrator can determine which properties are displayed on the Configure Data Card dialog, which can be accessed through the Vault Settings dialog in the Autodesk Vault client.
The tasks you can perform with the data card depend on whether the data card is in read-only mode or edit mode.
Read-only mode
The read-only mode is the default mode for viewing the full data card. This mode allows you to compare selected files and to filter the property values based on your needs.
When a data card opens for a selected file or when a Refresh command is performed, the values for the properties are grabbed from the server and displayed. A pending icon displays next to the property name when the retrieval is in process. The pending icon disappears once the value is received for that property.
Edit mode
The property grid can be changed to edit mode by clicking the Edit Button. When in edit mode, the file is automatically checked out of the vault and you can edit the displayed property values. When you are finished editing, the new values are written to the local file and to the server file. These edits are made permanent when the file is checked into the vault. All actions performed on an individual card affect only the component associated with the card.
View Full Data Card Information
The data card expands to display the properties. Some properties will show a pending icon until the value is retrieved from the server.