Sheet Set Manager Integration

Learn about the Sheet Set Manager Integration with Vault.

Note: Sheet Set Manager integration is only supported in the Vault Workgroup and Professional editions.

A sheet set is an organized collection of sheets from several drawing files. A sheet is a selected layout from a drawing file.

Sets of drawings are the primary deliverable for most design groups. Sets of drawings communicate the overall design intent of a project and provide the documentation and specifications for the project. However, managing sets of drawings manually can be complicated and time consuming.

The Sheet Set Manager integration lets you store your sheets in a vault. You can also work on vaulted sheet sets online or offline.

Who Can Work with Sheet Sets?

To Change the Sheet Set Automatic Check In Visualization Attachment Options

  1. Exit AutoCAD.
  2. Open the file ‘Preferences.xml’ at ‘%appdata%\Autodesk\AutoCAD [Version] Vault AddIn\Objects’ with any text editor.
  3. Under the respective AutoCAD profile ‘CheckIn On Auto Checkin SheetSet Options’, look for <Property Name="DWF Option" Value="No DWF" />.
  4. Replace the default value, 'No DWF', with one of the following:

    • 'Create DWF locally' to create visualization during Check In
    • 'Create DWF using Job Server' to send to the Job Server

Important Rules Regarding Sheet Set Behavior