Extract Sheet Set Properties

Sheet Set properties can be extracted and searched in Vault if corresponding property definitions exist in Vault.  

Following is the process to extract Sheet / Sheet Set properties. If you are not familiar with how to administer properties in Vault, please see Administration - Properties before proceeding further:

  1. Create a user-defined property in Vault using File association. 
  2. Create mapping (read-only) using the provider, Sheet Set Data
    1. Select Import From Vault to import properties
    2. Browse and select a data file for Sheet (.dsh) or Sheet Set (.dss) based on whether it is a Sheet or Sheet Set property that you would like to extract
  3. Complete the property definition process and add the UDPs to a Sheet / Sheet Set
Note: (1): Only read mapping is supported for Sheet / Sheet Set properties. (2): Block attributes that map to Sheet / Sheet Set properties can be extracted and searched upon in Vault using the above procedure.  However, they can be edited only from Sheet Set Manager interface.