Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) and Vault

Learn about how Vault works with IIS.

When a user requests a file from the vault using one of the client applications, the request is sent to the vault server where it is handled by IIS and the MSSQLSERVER Service. IIS authenticates the user and handles the connection to the file store, using the service's logon account to gain access to the file store folders and files. By default, the service uses the LocalSystem virtual account. You can specify which account the service uses for additional security.

View service settings in the Services Manager:


Server Status

The server status displays whether or not the service is started. The service should, in most cases, be started, but it doesn't have to be for the vault to operate. IIS, if not already started, starts the first time a client connects to it.


Startup Type

The IIS service can be set to start manually, automatically, or disabled. The service should, in most cases, be set to Automatic. If it is set to Manual, the service starts when the first client connection is made. We recommend that it is set to Automatic.


Log on As

Use this setting to specify a user which the vault uses for all network authentication. The default setting, Local System Account, works under most conditions.

You can specify a specific user to lock down the file store. By setting a particular user, and then subsequently limiting the access to the file store to only that user, you provide a more secure environment preventing users from unauthorized access to the vault.

See your operating system documentation for more information.


Connection Failures

If you no longer can make a connection to the server, you can restart the actual service or the entire computer.

Note: IIS needs to be restarted after you restart the SQL Server service.

Stop IIS

  1. Click Windows Start > Run.
  2. In the command window, enter: iisreset /stop
Note: Clicking Stop in the IIS Manager does not disconnect the database connections.

Restart IIS

  1. Click Windows Start > Run.
  2. In the command window, enter: iisreset /start

If the server console is still reporting that the vault is currently in use, the administrator can restart the database.

  1. Click Windows Start > Programs > Administrative Tools > Services.
  2. Restart the MSSQL$AUTODESKVAULT service.

Important: If the database is a SQL Server that has non-Vault uses, it is not recommended that you restart the SQL Server.