Connected Workgroups

Configure connected workgroups to improve the performance of Microsoft SQL for remote sites.

Learn About Connected Workgroups

You must understand replication before you can understand how Connected Workgroups operate.





Opening ports in Windows Firewall

Connected Workgroups Overview

A connected workgroup is a configuration of file stores that have been replicated from one site to another and that are managed by the Microsoft SQL database. The following illustration shows a typical workgroup configuration. All sites in a single workgroup share the same Microsoft SQL server.

To allow sites to have their own database server to increase SQL performance, Vault uses connected workgroups. The following illustration shows a workgroup with two different sites connected to a second workgroup with a single site.

Create Connected Workgroups

The installation of a Connected Workgroup environment requires each component to be installed and configured in the correct order, as follows.

Configure the Publisher

  1. Install MS SQL on the computer where all the information is to be replicated from. This computer is known as the Publisher.
  2. After SQL is installed, log into the SQL AutodeskVault Instance through the SQL Server Management Studio. Right click the top level server name and select properties. Under the Connections tab, make sure that the option nocount is not selected.
  3. Install Vault server on the Publisher.
  4. After the Vault server is installed, start the Vault server console.
  5. In the Vault server console, right-click Workgroups and select Enable Workgroup Replication.
  6. Fill in the UNC path for the shared folder. For example: \\server\share\.
  7. Enter the User ID, which is the user account configured for replication, and with full access to the shared folder, and click OK.
  8. On the subscriber computer (the target for replicated data), install the same version of SQL that you just installed on the publisher.
    Note: Install this with a preconfigured instance named AutodeskVault and the same password as the publisher.
  9. On the publisher, right-click Workgroups again in the Vault server console and select Add Workgroup.
  10. Enter the appropriate information for the remote workgroup.

    If you created a replication user account, use those credentials under Remote Replication Credentials.

A background process configures the remote SQL server as a subscriber, and starts to replicate the KVM database from the publisher. Once the secondary server has completed its configuration, it is added to the Workgroups tree in the console.
Note: Once you have done this, you can install the Vault server console on the subscriber and enable vault replication.

Configure Firewalls

Configure Firewalls

Before adding a workgroup be sure that the SQL server can communicate with the Vault server through the firewall. This can be done by allowing an exception for the SQL executables sqlbrowser.exe and sqlserver.exe.

Enable Vault Replication

Once you have configured the publisher, you can install the Vault server console on the subscriber and enable Vault replication.

Note: For subscribing locations with slower network connections it is better to configure the server at the same location as the publisher and ship the server. If shipping a subscribing server to a different location, do not disconnect it from the network for more than 14 days to allow a successful replication once reconnected to the network.
  1. Install Autodesk Data Management Server on the subscriber and have it point to the subscriber SQL Server that is also installed there.
  2. On the publisher in the ADMS Console, right-click Workgroups and select Manage Replication.
  3. Select the Vault that you want to replicate.
  4. Move the workgroups you want to replicate into the Replicated column using the >> button.
  5. On the subscriber, open the ADMS Console and expand the Vaults node.
  6. Right-click the appropriate Vault and select Vault Enabled to enable the vault.
  7. Select the appropriate file store location when prompted.

Vault opens information dialog boxes that describe the vault synchronization frequency and tell you that the vault has been enabled.

Test Replication

  1. Add a file to the publisher workgroup
  2. Check the file out, modify it, and check it back in.
  3. Move to a subscriber workgroup.
  4. Repeat the same steps you did on the Publisher.