Repel Behavior

The Repel behavior lets you specify any object or objects (sources) that will force delegates to move away from them. This is basically the opposite of the Seek behavior. If you want delegates to back away from an object, as opposed to turning to face the direction they're moving, use Repel in conjunction with the Orientation behavior.

Note: Repel is set by default to work only within a specific radius around the source. If you want it to work at any distance, turn off Radius group Use Radii.


[target button]
Specifies a single source. Click this button, and then click the target object in the viewport. The target name then appears on the button. Before you have selected a target, the label reads "None."

If you've selected multiple sources using Multiple Selection (see next item), the word "Multiple" appears on the button. To see which objects are designated as sources, click the Multiple Selection button.

Multiple Selection
Opens the Select dialog to let you designate multiple sources. When you have more than one source, you can set delegates to move toward the closest target in the group, or to a computed average of the source positions.

Source of Repulsion group

Determines repel activity when the behavior uses multiple sources. The default choice is Closest Source Only.

  • closest source only Each delegate is repelled by the closest of the assigned sources. Use this to have delegates assigned a single Repel behavior move away from sources in different directions.
  • average of sources All delegates move away from a common point determined by averaging all sources' locations.

Method group

Determines whether delegate direction as influenced by the behavior is calculated by an angular method or a force method. Default=Force.

  • angle Applies a force to the delegate based on the angle between the delegate's current direction and the direction it would need to take in order to be moving directly away from the source.

    The magnitude of the force is greatest when the delegate is moving directly towards the source, and needs to turn around. It can be as little as 0 when the delegate is moving directly away from the source.

  • force Always applies a force directly away from the source. The magnitude of the force is constant.

Radius group

Use the Radius settings to activate the Repel behavior only when the delegates are within a specific distance from the target. The relative strength of the force increases from 0 percent at the outer radius to 100 percent at the inner radius.

Use Radii
When on, the behavior applies only to delegates closer to the target than the Outer Distance value. Default=on.
Inner Radius
The distance from the target at which the force is applied at full strength. Default=0.0.
Outer Radius
The distance from the target at which the force begins to be applied. Default=10.0.
Display Radii
The radii are displayed when the force is active.
[force vector color swatch]

Shows the color used to draw the Repel force vector during the solution. Click the box to choose a different color. Default=violet.

Display Force When on, force exerted on the delegate(s) by the Repel behavior is drawn in the viewports as a vector during the simulation solution.