On the Vertex-Link Assignment rollout, you can choose to create new envelopes and pick the type of blending between links.
Vertex - Link Assignment group
- Deformable (The default.) Creates deformable envelopes for the links.
Deformable envelopes determine vertex-link assignment based on the deformation spline that Physique creates through the links.
Creates rigid envelopes for the links. Default=not chosen.
Rigid envelopes determine vertex-link assignment based upon the linear links in the hierarchy.
- Blending Between Links
- This drop-down list lets you choose how links are initially blended. Default=N Links.
Tip: Typically, you should leave this set to the default of N Links.
- N Links Vertices are influenced by all overlapping envelopes.
- No Blending Vertices are influenced by only one (1) link. This allows a mesh with the Physique modifier applied in character studio 1 to work with character studio 3. Choose No Blending if you are developing characters for a game engine that doesn't support blending, or if you intend to use strictly character studio 1-style vertex-link assignments.
- 2, 3, or 4 Links Vertices are influenced by more than one link, but the number of links is limited to 2, 3, or 4, depending on your choice. Choose one of these options if you are developing characters for a game engine whose support of blending is limited.
Radial Falloff Envelopes group
- Create Envelopes
When on, creates envelopes for the links. When off, envelopes are not created. Default=on.
Note: With no envelopes, you have to use hand-weighting for vertices. If you want to add envelopes when a model has none, reinitialize Physique.
- Object Bounding Box Envelope size is based on the size of objects in the hierarchy, such as biped limbs, or bones.
- Link Length Each envelope has a Radial Scale that is one-third of the length of the link.
- Overlap
Sets how far the envelopes overlap. Default=0.1.
- Smooth
Sets the distance between the inner and outer bounds of an envelope by scaling the outer boundary. Range=0.0 to 10.0. Default=0.75.
- Falloff
Sets the rate of falloff between the inner and outer boundary of an envelope. The falloff rate is a Bezier function. Range=0 to 10. Default=0.5.