Physique Initialization Dialog

Use the Physique Initialization dialog to specify link parameters and the type and size of envelopes to create for Physique links.

This dialog is displayed under two circumstances:

Creating Physique Links and Envelopes for the First Time

When you use Attach To Node to attach the mesh to a skeleton for the first time, you can use parameters on the Vertex-Link Assignment rollout to specify envelope parameters. In most cases, the default parameters on the Vertex-Link Assignment rollout work well as a starting point for envelope type, envelope sizing, and blending between links.

Normally, you want deformable envelopes. Blending Between Links is set to N Links (a vertex can be influenced by all envelopes that overlap it). The Object Bounding Box option is chosen by default, and bases the size of the envelopes on the size of biped limbs or bone diameters.

Link Settings, Joint Intersections, and Cross Section Rollouts

Controls on these rollouts match those found in bulge sub-object and link sub-object and are used here to set default values. Unless you want to change the default settings for all link parameters and bulges, you do not need to change the settings in these rollouts.


Initialization group

The Initialization checkboxes are normally unavailable and not changeable during initialization. Although these options are unavailable, they are all turned on by default (except Include New Bones) for initialization, since all these settings are new when you use Attach To Node for the first time.

These checkboxes become available when you click Reinitialize on the Physique rollout.

See Reinitialize Physique for a description of the controls in this group.

Link Settings rollout

The Link Settings rollout contains the default link values that will be assigned to all links. See Link Sub-Object for a command reference.

Joint Intersections rollout

The Joint Intersections rollout contains default joint intersection values that will be assigned to all links. See Link Sub-Object for a command reference.

Cross Sections rollout

The Cross Sections rollout sets the default Bulge Angle parameter settings for new bulges.

Vertex-Link Assignment Rollout

On the Vertex-Link Assignment rollout you can create new envelopes and pick the type of blending between links.