Changing Delegate Orientation and Speed

You can use the Orientation behavior to change the direction in which a delegate moves, and the Speed Vary behavior to vary delegates' speed or make them stop moving altogether.

After setting up a behavior, you must use Behavior Assignments to assign the behavior to a delegate or team.


To use the Orientation behavior:

  1. Select the Crowd helper and go to the Modify panel.
  2. In the Setup rollout Behaviors group, click New. Choose Orientation Behavior from the pop-up list.

    The Orientation Behavior rollout appears below the Setup rollout.

  3. To restrict the heading orientation with respect to the delegate's current heading, turn on Heading group Relative. To restrict the heading to a specific direction or range, leave Relative off.
  4. To restrict the pitch orientation with respect to the delegate's current pitch, turn on Pitch group Relative. To restrict the pitch to a specific direction or range, leave Relative off.
  5. Change the other default settings as desired.

To use the Speed Vary behavior:

  1. Add a Speed Vary behavior to the Crowd object.
  2. Adjust the Center and Deviation as needed to control delegate speed. Change other settings as desired.