Parameter Collector Menu Bar

The Parameter Collector dialog menu bar provides access to a number of important commands. Some of these commands are replicated on the dialog toolbar; others, such as the Select tools, are available only from the menus. Also, you can open the Spinner Right-Click menu by right-clicking a numeric field in Parameter Collector.


Collection menu

The first three items in this menu are available only after you enter a name for the current collection in the editable field (drop-down list) just below the menu bar.

New Collection

Creates a new, empty collection, clearing the current collection name and the rollout area. You can restore any existing collection by choosing it from the drop-down list.

Duplicate Collection

Creates a new, unnamed collection containing the same data as the current collection. Enter a name for the duplicate selection in the editable field.

Delete Collection

Removes the current collection from memory.

Show Keys in Track Bar

Displays in the track bar animation keys for all objects with parameters in the current collection, whether or not the objects are selected in the scene.

Isolate Keys in Track Bar

The track bar displays only keys for parameters in the Parameter Collector.

Show Selected Keys in Track Bar

Displays in the track bar animation keys for all objects with selected parameters in the current collection, whether or not the objects are selected in the scene.

Isolate Selected Keys in Track Bar

The track bar displays only keys for selected parameters in the Parameter Collector.

Put to Object

Stores the current collection as part of an object in the scene. Opens the Put To Object dialog; highlight an object in the list, and then click Pick.

Although parameter collections are stored with the scene in which they're created, you can use this function to transfer a collection to a different scene. After putting the collection to an object, save the scene. Open or create another scene, merge the object from the saved scene to the new one, and then use Get from Object.

You can also back up, organize and streamline parameter collections by putting and getting different collections to and from various objects in your scene. Just remember that if you add, reorder, or remove parameters or rollouts to a collection that has been put to an object, you must then put it to the object again so the changes are saved to the collection.

Link to Object

Stores the current collection using a live link as part of an object in the scene. Any change to the collection instantly updates the version of the collection stored in the object. Opens the Link To Object dialog; highlight an object in the list, and then click Pick.

Link to Object has basically the same function as Put To Object (see previous entry), except that it guarantees an up-to-date stored version of the collection, especially when merging the object into another scene that is a common production workflow.

Note: Only one “linked-to” object can be active in a scene, but you can use Put To Object on any number of objects at a time.
Get from Object

Retrieves a collection that you stored with Put To Object or Link To Object.

Remove from Object

Deletes a collection that you stored with Put To Object or Link To Object.

Edit menu

Parameter Collector lets you select parameters in any combination, but you can select no more than one rollout at a time. To select or deselect a parameter, click the small button on its left side. To select or deselect a rollout, click the wide horizontal button just below the rollout title. Selecting a rollout deselects any other selected rollout.

Select All

Selects all parameters and rollouts.

Select All Rollout

Selects all parameters on the current rollout. Unavailable if no rollout is selected.

Select None

Deselects all parameters.

Select Invert

Inverts the current selection of parameters.

Delete Selected

Deletes all selected parameters.

Delete All

Deletes all parameters and rollouts.

Multiple Edits

Enables multiple editing, in which changing any parameter simultaneously changes all selected parameters of the same or similar type.

Note: The changed parameter need not be selected.

This works the same as the Absolute/Offset mode toggle on the Coordinate Display. When Absolute is chosen, modifying a value changes it to the exact amount you specify. When Relative is chosen, the displayed value shows 0, and modifying the parameter adds the specified change to the original value. This applies to numeric values only; changes to any other value types such as color are always absolute.

Edit Notes

Opens a single Notes dialog for all selected parameters.

You can open the Notes dialog for a single parameter by right-clicking its Select Parameter button.

Parameters menu

Add to Selected

Lets you add new parameters to the selected rollout.

Add to New Rollout

Lets you add new parameters to a new rollout.

Move Up

Moves selected parameters up one position within their rollout, if possible.

Move Down

Moves selected parameters down one position within their rollout, if possible.

Move Up By Rollout

Moves selected parameters to the rollout above, if possible. If the same parameter already exists in the rollout above, the selected parameter is simply deleted.

Move Down By Rollout

Moves selected parameters to the next rollout, if possible. If the same parameter already exists in the next rollout, the selected parameter is simply deleted.

Key All

Sets keys for all parameters at the current frame. Available only when Auto Key is on.

Key Selected

Sets keys for selected parameters only at the current frame. Available only when Auto Key is on.

Reset All

Sets all numeric parameters to 0. Has no effect on other parameter types.

Reset Selected

Sets all selected numeric parameters to 0. Has no effect on other parameter types.

Rollout menu

Note: While there are no menu commands for moving rollouts, you can do so simply by dragging the rollout title bar to a new location.
New Rollout

Creates a new, empty rollout.

New Rollout Selected Parameters

Creates a new rollout and populates it with copies of any selected parameters.

Rename Rollout

Opens a small dialog that lets you rename the selected rollout.

Delete Rollout

Deletes the selected rollout.

Delete Rollout Move Up

Deletes the selected rollout and moves its parameters to the rollout above.

Delete Rollout Move Down

Deletes the selected rollout and moves its parameters to the rollout below.