Command-Line Options

There are a number of switches that you can use on the command line.

You can use the following switches after you enter 3dsmax on the command line.

Switch Effect
-a <filename> Uses the specified bitmap as splash screen.
-about <filename> Prints the license and copyright information from the About 3ds Max dialog to the console, and exits. If an optional filename is specified (eg "C:\license.txt"), then the information is saved to that file. Cannot be combined with other command-line switches.
-d Causes Track View to use a double-buffered display, which is smoother than the single-buffered display but uses more system resources.
-df Allows you to change between classic and design mode.
-dfc Forces classic mode.
-dfd Forces design mode.
-dm Enables dialog monitor.
-g Makes background white (instead of gray) in the following dialogs: Track View, RAM Player, Video Post, Loft, and Falloff Curve. Useful for screen captures when using a display mode less than 24 bits deep, for avoiding background patterns.
-h Allows choice of graphics drivers: Nitrous, Direct3D, Open GL, and Software.
-i otherfile Starts the program using otherfile.ini instead of 3dsmax.ini.
-l Loads the last .max file automatically.

-lang=<language ID>

/Language=<language ID>

Sets the language using the specified language ID.

The language code can be one of:

  • ENU - English US

  • FRA - French

  • DEU - German

  • JPN - Japanese

  • KOR - Korean

  • CHS - Simplified Chinese

  • PTB - Brazilian Portuguese

-log <session log file name> Creates a session log file with the specified name and path. The environment variable ADSK_3DSMAX_SESSION_LOG also specifies a session file name and path, and takes precedence over this command-line option.
-ma Opens maximized.
-mi Opens minimized.
-ms Opens minimized and does not display a splash screen on startup.
-mxs "command; command; ..."

The command line script string is executed after the max file specified on the command line (if any) is opened and the command line script file (-u MAXScript scriptfile) (if any) is executed.

No compile or runtime error messages are displayed in the Listener, but are logged to LogSys.

3ds Max shuts down after the script string is executed.

-n Disables network mode.
-p otherfile Starts the program using otherfile.ini instead of plugin.ini.
Note: The otherfile.ini string should include the full path name.
-q Starts the program "quietly," without the splash screen.
-safescene <ON|OFF> Enables or disables Safe Scene Script Execution. If specified, this command-line option overrides the setting on the Security Preferences tab. This can also be set with the ADSK_3DSMAX_SAFE_SCENE=<0|1> environment variable.
-silent Starts the program without the splash screen and any dialogs that might block script execution.
-u Opens the specified utility, such as MAXScript. For details, see Running Scripts from the Command Line.
-v Loads a display driver, overriding the setting in 3dsmax.ini.
-y <network license path> Specifies the path to a license server when using a network license.
-z <filename> Writes the version number to a file.
anyscene Starts 3ds Max and opens a file called anyscene.max.

Use a space to separate the 3ds Max executable name from the command-line switch.


3dsmax −l

3dsmax −i otherfile

3dsmax anyscene

3dsmax −c MaxCustom