SGI Image Files

The SGI™ Image File format is a bitmap file type created by Silicon Graphics ® . SGI Image File support in 3ds Max lets you load and save files in both 8- and 16-bit color depth, with alpha channels, and RLE Compression.

SGI Image Files can have these filename extensions: SGI, RGB, RGBA, INT, INTA, or BW.


Clicking Render or Setup in the Render Output File dialog displays the RGB Image File Format dialog.

Channel Bit Depth group

  • 8 Bit Saves the SGI Image File as 8-bit color.
  • 16 Bit (The default.) Saves the SGI Image File as 16-bit color.
Use Alpha
When on, saves Alpha channels with the SGI Image File. Default=on.
When on, saves the SGI Image File with RLE compression. Default=on.
Note: In some cases, the RLE algorithm can cause a “compressed” file to be larger than an uncompressed file.