Image File Formats

Image files, also known as bitmaps, have a variety of uses in 3ds Max scenes. You can use bitmaps as textures for materials, as backgrounds to viewports, as environment maps, as Image Input events in Video Post, or as images projected from a light.

An image file can be a single still image, or a sequence of images that form a video sequence or animation. When you assign an animation for use as a bitmap, then the image changes over time when you render the 3ds Max scene.

Note: Bitmaps are reloaded automatically after they have been changed and resaved by a graphic editing program. See the Reload Textures On Change toggle in File Preferences.

When you render a scene, you can render a still image or an animation. You can render to most of the formats listed below. Some of the formats support various options. If there are output options, these appear in a dialog that is described along with the image file's format.

Note: To save loading time, if a map with the same name is in two different locations (in two different paths), it is loaded only once. This poses a problem only if your scene includes two maps that have different content but the same name. In this case, only the first map encountered will appear in the scene.