To Work with Scene Explorer Columns

Add columns to Scene Explorer:

  1. Do either of the following:
    • Right-click a column heading and then choose Configure Columns from the context menu.
    • From the Customize menu, choose Configure Columns.

    This opens the Configure Columns dialog.

  2. Drag a column heading from the Configure Columns dialog to the Scene Explorer column headings row.

    As you drag the column, arrows appear between neighboring columns above and below the headings row. Drag horizontally to change where the arrows occur.

  3. When the arrows appear where you want to add the column, release the mouse button.

    The new column is inserted where the arrows appeared.

  4. Alternatively, simply double-click an item in the Configure Columns listing. This automatically adds the column to the right of existing columns in Scene Explorer.
  5. Continue adding columns as desired. When finished, close the Configure Columns dialog.

Replace a column in Scene Explorer (all columns except Name):

  1. Right-click a column heading and choose Replace Column from the context menu.

    This opens a list of available columns.

  2. Choose a column to replace the current one.

    The new column replaces the previous one.

Remove a column from Scene Explorer:

  1. Drag the column label vertically away from its position until the mouse cursor changes to an X icon.

    Removing the Light Color column

  2. Release the mouse button.
    Note: You can’t remove the Name column.

Sort the Scene Explorer list based on a column or columns:

To rearrange columns:

To resize columns, do any of the following: