PNG Files

PNG (Portable Network Graphics) is a still-image file format developed for use with the Internet and World Wide Web.


Clicking Render or Setup in the Render Output File dialog displays the PNG Configuration dialog.

Colors group

  • Optimized palette (256) Choose to render a smaller, 8-bit color file.
  • RGB 24 bit (16.7 Million) Choose to render a true color (24-bit) file.
  • RGB 48 bit (281 Trillion) Choose to render a 48-bit color file.
  • Grayscale 8 bit (256) Choose to render a grayscale image with 256 shades.
  • Grayscale 16 bit (65,536) Choose to render a grayscale image with 65,536 shades.
Note: The 8-bit "Optimized palette" format is dithered, so it does not compress well. The 24- and 48-bit formats do not use dithering, so they compress efficiently.
Alpha Channel
Turn on to save the alpha channel with the file.
Turn on to make the file interlaced for faster display in Web browsers.