Primitives are standard 3ds Max objects such as cylinders or boxes.
In addition to the standard dimensional parameters associated with primitive objects, you can set a material channel to automatically apply to the object. This channel ID refers to the CivilViewObjects material. Civil view also applies mapping coordinates automatically.
Any series of parametric objects placed from a single OPS Style Element are instances of each other. This means that altering a parameter on any one of these objects affects them all. This can be useful; for example, with a series of posts where the height of each post should be consistent with all objects in the series. You can use the Position Controller rollout to manually unlink objects, making their geometry independent.
Primitive Object INI File |
[Parameters] Length= Width= Height=
[Object] Primitive= MaterialChannel= Preview=
[Group] Name=
Names the thumbnail image to use as a preview in the Object Placement Style Editor. If this entry is blank or the file cannot be found, the editor displays a blank thumbnail. This thumbnail image bitmap must exist within the /objlibs/previews folder within any current Civil View resource kit.
Create an INI file in the format described above, and add it to the /objlibs/primitives folder within any current Civil View resource kit. (Because 3ds Max provides the object geometry, this is all you need to do.)
Please also refer to the general instructions on object library customization in Civil View Object Library Overview.