Windows > Editors > Canvas Layer Editor

Opens the Canvas Layer Editor window and allows you to control the arrangement of image layers, mask layers and shape layers on the current canvas.

Only the layers on the currently active canvas are displayed. Drag the mouse over an icon to see a “tool tip” describing its purpose.

The editor shows the different types of layers on the current canvas. Image layers and Mask layers are displayed separately inside a split window. This allows you to associate one or more mask layers with any image layer, and re-use the same mask layers for different image layers.

It is also possible to create Invisibility Mask layers in the bottom section of the window. These are similar to mask layers, except that the hidden paint can be shown again.

The layer thumbnails are turned on by default. To turn off the thumbnails (in order to provide more space for the layer names), choose Preferences > General Preferences , go to the Paint section, and remove the check mark in Show thumbnails in Canvas Layer Editor.

The window has a set of menus and icons for control over the layers. Some functionality can be accessed from either a menu item or an icon.

All the functions accessible through the menus can also be associated to a hotkey through the Special:Canvas Layer Editor section of the Hotkeys editor (Preferences > Interface > Hotkeys/Menus Editor ).


Construction planes and canvas planes are managed in a different editor window. (See Windows > Editors > Construction Plane editor ).

However, the following canvas-related functions are available from the Canvas Layer Editor.

To change the active canvas

  1. Click the small arrow next to the canvas name in the Canvas Layer Editor.

  2. Choose another canvas from the Canvas Lister.

    The content of the Canvas Layer Editor updates to show the layers on the new active canvas.

To see the properties of the active canvas

  1. Click the icon at the bottom of the Canvas Layer Editor.

    The Canvas General Information window opens.

  2. Click the icon again to close it.

Canvas Layer Editor icons

Layer visibility in view window 
Active layer opacity value
Layer opacity slider
Display all layers
Display current (active) layer only
Layer type 
Image (Paint)
Invisibility mask
Image (Paint) shape
Mask shape
Invisibility mask shape
Image layer has hidden paint
Text layer
Ability to move layer on canvas 
Layer can be transformed
Layer cannot be transformed
Mask icons on divider bar (toggles) 
Show/hide all masks linked with the active layer (but keep enabled)
Enable/disable all masks linked with the active layer
Show all masks/Show only masks linked with the active layer in lister
Link to imported canvas layers icon 
 Canvas layer is up-to-date with the imported image.
 Canvas layer is out-of-date with the imported image. Click the icon to re-import the canvas layer.
 Canvas Layer cannot be found. Click the icon and select Yes to re-import the canvas layers. Browse for the file and select it or unlink the imported image from the canvas layer.
Other mask icons 
This mask layer is associated with the active layer
If the check mark is off, this mask layer is disabled but retains its link to any image layer
Number of mask layers associated with the active image layer.
Canvas Plane icons 
See Construction Plane editor icons.
Tools (at bottom of editor) 
Open/Close Construction Plane Editor
Open/Close Canvas General Information window.
New folder
New image layer
New mask layer
New invisibility mask layer
Duplicate layer
Clear layer
Delete layer

The following icons are used in the editor:

Canvas Layer editor menus

Layer menu

New image layer

Create a new image layer on the selected canvas or overlay plane.

New image layer (import)

Create a new image layer by importing an existing image. If you are using the Windows browser, you also have the choice to import the image as a mask layer.


The type of browser can be changed by choosing Preferences > General Preferences and going to the System section

New image layer (capture current window)

Create a new image layer containing the snapshot of the current window.

New mask layer

Create a new mask layer. The layer will appear in the bottom section of the Canvas Layer Editor.

New invisibility mask layer

Create a new invisibility mask layer (previously called stencil). The layer will appear in the bottom section of the Canvas Layer Editor.


Makes a duplicate of the currently selected image layer, shape layer, or mask layer. The new layer is placed above the original layer. Duplicate layers are named by adding -1, -2, -3, etc, to the layer name.

Merge below

Merges the current paint layer and the paint layer directly beneath it, and uses the name of the lower layer’s name.

Merge visible

Merges all paint layers that are visible. To retain some layers, turn their visibility off by clicking the eye icon before performing a merge.

Merge all

Merges all paint layers on the selected canvas or overlay plane and discards layer masks.

Edit menu

Clear layer

Removes paint from the active image layer and retains the blank image layer.

Clear hide show

Restores (shows) hidden paint on the active layer.

Rasterize layer

Converts the vector-based shape or text layer into a bitmap.

Invert layer

When applied to an image layer, it inverts the RGB colors in the image. For example, red (255,0,0) becomes cyan (0, 255, 255).

When applied to a mask layer, or invisibility mask layer, it swaps the masked and unmasked regions.

This tool does not affect Shape layers.

Invert shape/paint mask

Swaps the masked and unmasked regions on the active mask layer.

When applied to an image layer, this operation inverts all the masks linked to that layer.

Invert invisibility mask

Swaps the masked and unmasked regions on the active invisibility mask layer.

When applied to an image layer, this operation inverts all the invisibility masks linked to that layer.

Invert marquee

Inverts a marquee by making the region outside the selected area the new selection area.

Marquees are created by using the Magic Wand and Marquee tools under Paint > Select.

Horizontal Flip

Flips the active image layer from right to left.

Vertical Flip

Flips the active image layer from top to bottom.

Transform layer

Moves or scales an image layer, mask layer or invisibility mask layer. Shape layers cannot be transformed. All layers that have the icon turned on will be transformed.

Delete active shape

Deletes the currently active shape (highlighted in yellow). If this was the only shape on the shape layer, then the shape layer is also deleted.

Delete active layer

Deletes the currently active image layer, shape layer, mask layer, or invisibility mask layer. The active layer is highlighted in dark purple.

Delete all invisibility mask layers

Deletes the invisibility mask layers, and gives you the option to restore the hidden paint. If you choose not to restore the hidden paint, it will be lost.

Delete all layers in transform group

Deletes all the layers that have the icon turned on. This is a quick way to delete several layers at a time.

Delete all invisible layers

Deletes all layers that have their visibility turned off (through the icon)

Delete all layers

Deletes all layers on the current canvas, regardless of their type or visibility.

Copy layers

Copies all the currently selected layers to the Alias clipboard.

Paste layers

Pastes the layers from the Alias clipboard into the active canvas.

Convert menu

You can convert a selected image, mask, or invisibility mask layer into a different type of layer (for example convert an image layer into a mask layer) by using tools from this menu.

A copy of the layer is made and converted to the proper type. The original is kept.

Converting a layer into its own type is equivalent to using Layer > Duplicate.

Copy layer to image

Converts a mask or invisibility mask layer into an image layer.

Copy layer to mask

Converts an image, or invisibility mask layer into a mask layer, using the image's opacity values as the mask. Areas that are fully opaque are fully masked.

Copy layer to mask (luminance)

Converts an image, or invisibility mask layer into a mask layer , using the image's luminance values as the mask. Areas that are 100% white are fully masked.

Copy layer to invisibility mask

Converts an image, or mask layer into an invisibility mask layer, using the image's opacity values as the invisibility mask. Areas that are fully opaque are fully masked.

Copy layer to invisibility mask (luminance)

Converts an image, or mask layer into an invisibility mask layer, using the image's luminance values as the invisibility mask. Areas that are 100% white are fully masked.

Marquee to mask

Converts a marquee to a mask layer. The selected region is unmasked and all other regions are masked.

Marquees are created by using the Magic Wand and Marquee tools under Paint > Select.

Toggle menu

Hide non-current layers

Allows you to see only the currently active layer on the canvas. All other layers are made invisible.

Show all layers

All layers (on the current canvas) are made visible.

Tgl marquee

Lets you toggle the visibility of the marquee (selection area) on or off.

Marquees are created by using the Magic Wand and Marquee tools under Paint > Select.

Project menu

Project sketch

Lets you project a sketch onto one or more objects. The object(s) must be active. All visible layers from the current canvas are projected.