To Create a Property Set Definition With Project Property Definitions

Use this procedure to create a property set definition containing project property definitions.

Note: A property set definition can contain different types of property definitions such as automatic properties, project properties, formulas, and classifications.
  1. Click Manage tabStyle & Display panelStyle Manager.
  2. Expand Documentation Objects, and click Property Set Definitions.
  3. Right-click, and click New.
  4. Enter a name for the new property set definition press Enter.
  5. Click the Applies to tab, and define if the property set definition should be applied to objects or to object styles.
  6. Select the entities or styles to which the property set definition should apply.

    Typically, you would attach project information to objects such as spaces, walls, doors, windows, and curtain walls.

  7. Click the Definition tab.
  8. Click .

    The general project properties are listed. If you have created project details, they are listed too and can be selected for the property set definition.

  9. Select a project property.
  10. Enter a name, and click OK.
  11. Repeat steps 8-10 for each project property you want to add to the property set definition.
  12. If necessary, add other properties to the definition.
  13. Click OK twice.