About Property Set Data and Schedule Tables in Projects

Schedules are tables that list specific information about selected objects in your building model. You can create different types of schedules by attaching property set data to objects and object styles, and then extracting and displaying the data in a schedule table.

You can schedule each instance of each external reference individually. For example, if you have an element that contains a typical door, you can reference that door element five times into a construct. When you create a door schedule in the construct, all five instances of the door element are scheduled independently and can have unique data.

When you work in a non-project environment, you typically attach property data to objects directly in the drawing. When you use the Drawing Management feature, you work extensively with external references and often tag objects in xrefs.

Numbering a Door in a Project

The following example shows how you can define property data that combines object properties with project properties. The example uses space information to show how you could use project and formula property definitions. The following diagram shows how a space number can be built up from information on the space and in the project.

Value Property Set Definition Property Definition Description
2 Space LevelNumber A project property definition, getting the Level ID for the object for the current project
01 Space BaseNumber A manual auto-incrementing property definition
201 Space RoomNumber A formula property definition, with the formula [LevelNumber][BaseNumber]