To Create a Property Data Format

Use this procedure to create a property data format. You can create a format using default properties or by copying an existing data format. You can then edit the properties to customize the characteristics of the new data format.

Note: Certain automatic properties cannot be formatted with property data formats because their values are formatted from within the automatic query.
  1. Click Manage tabStyle & Display panelStyle Manager.

    The Style Manager is displayed with the current drawing expanded in the tree view.

  2. Expand Documentation Objects, and expand Property Data Formats.
  3. Right-click Property Data Formats, and click New.
  4. Enter a name for the new property data format, and press Enter.
  5. Select the new property data format.
  6. On the Formatting tab, specify general formatting values:
    If you want to… Then…
    specify a prefix enter a string to be placed in front of data for Prefix. For example, tolerances might require a preceding plus/minus symbol; a tolerance of 10 could be displayed as +10. A currency string could be prefixed with a dollar sign.
    specify a suffix enter a string to be placed after data for Suffix. For example, a door leaf thickness of 35 could have a millimeter suffix (35mm).
    Note: If you override the unit type in a manual property set definition, change the suffix here to display the units correctly.
    specify text for a property that is undefined enter a text string to be displayed when the requested property has not been attached to an object for Undefined. A typical undefined string is “?.”
    specify text for a property that is not applicable enter a text string to be displayed when the requested property does not apply to an object for Undefined. For example, the rise property does not apply to a door with a rectangular opening, but it does apply to one with an arched opening. A typical not applicable string is “NA.”
  7. Specify the case for the schedule text:
    If you want to… Then…
    use no case formatting select As Is for Case.
    convert all text to uppercase select Upper for Case.
    convert all text to lowercase select Lower for Case.
    capitalize the first letter of the first word select Sentence for Case.
    capitalize the first letter of each word select Title for Case.
  8. Enter the maximum number of digits, including leading zeroes, for integers.

    Zero padding is the expansion of integer values to include leading zeros. The value entered specifies the maximum length of a numeric value after it has been padded with leading zeros. For example, with Zero Padding at 3, the number 6 would become 006. This option primarily is intended for identity numbers, such as those used by door and window tags. For example, to number doors as D01 through to D99, the raw value of the data would be saved as a simple integer, but the prefix would be D and Zero Padding would be 2. Entering zero for Zero Padding applies no zero padding.

  9. Enter the values for True and False.

    For example, you can specify Yes for True and No for False.

  10. Enter data to display a sample of your current settings for Result.
  11. For formatting that can be specified by dimension style, click Set from Dimension Style, select a dimension style, and click OK.

    Undefined, Not Applicable, Case, Zero Padding, and True/False are not defined by dimension styles.

  12. Select the unit type, format, numerical precision, fraction format, and scale for real numbers. Definitions of these items are as follows:
    • Unit Type: The format in which to display the type of units, such as length, area, and volume.
    • Units: The drawing units in which the unit is stored. For example, if you select Volume for Unit Type, options to select from include cubic inches, cubic feet, cubic millimeters, cubic centimeters, and cubic meters.
    • Unit Format: The drawing unit format in which the value is displayed. The AutoCAD conversion units (Architectural, Scientific, Decimal, Engineering, and Fractional) are used when converting numeric values into strings. For example, a value of 14.25 is displayed as 1'–2 1/4" in architectural units.
    • Precision: The number of decimal places used to display floating point numbers (for example, 0, 0.0, 0.00, and so on).
    • Fraction Format: If the unit format is Architectural or Fractional, set the format used to display fractions (Horizontal, Diagonal, or Not Stacked). Note that all fonts do not support all fraction formats.
    • Scale: The value by which the real number is scaled before it is displayed. For example, if the current drawing units are inches, a scale of 2.54 converts a dimension to centimeters.
  13. Select the Round Off value for real numbers:
    If you want to… Then…
    round to the nearest value select Nearest.
    round to the nearest greater value select Up.
    round to the nearest lesser value select Down.

    If you enter a value of 0.25, all numeric values are rounded to the nearest 0.25 unit. Similarly, if you enter a value of 1.0, all numeric values are rounded to the nearest integer. The number of digits displayed after the decimal point depends on the precision specified. No round-off occurs for a value of 0.0.

  14. Specify the rules for suppression of leading and trailing zeros, and feet and inches of floating point numbers:
    If you want to… Then…
    suppress leading zeros in all decimal numeric values select Leading for Zero Suppression. For example, 0.5000 becomes .5000.
    suppress trailing zeros in all decimal numeric values select Trailing for Zero Suppression. For example, 12.5000 becomes 12.5.
    suppress the feet portion of a feet-and-inches numeric value when the value is less than one foot select 0 Feet for Zero Suppression. For example, 0'–6 1/2" becomes 6 1/2".
    suppress the inches portion of a feet-and-inches numeric value when the value is an integral number of feet select 0 Inches for Zero Suppression. For example, 2'–0" becomes 2'.
  15. Select the decimal separator.
  16. Select the whole number separator.
  17. Click OK.