About Property Data Formats

Property data formats are style-based documentation objects that control how data is displayed in schedule tables, schedule tags, the Edit Property Set Data worksheet, and on the Properties palette. Property data formats are created and modified using the Style Manager.

Data Types

Each property data format contains separate settings for formatting each of the following data types:

When you apply a data format to schedule data, the value for each property is displayed using the specified settings for that property’s data type. For example, the same schedule data format can specify that a dimension value uses the real number settings, while a remark uses the settings for text.

Using Different Data Formats

You can specify different data formats for the same property in property set definitions, schedule table styles, and schedule tags. This enables you to display the same value differently in different contexts. For example, you may want to use a data format with greater precision for real numbers in a property set, and display fewer digits in a schedule table.

Managing Data Formats

To create, edit, copy, or purge data formats, you access the Style Manager. The Style Manager provides a central location for working with data formats from multiple drawings and templates.