To Change the Properties of a Layer Group

Use this procedure to change the properties of all layers in a layer group. If a layer is in more than one group, the changes apply to that layer in all groups in which it is included. For example, if you freeze a group that includes the layer A-Wall, that layer is frozen in any other group in which A-Wall appears.

Note: Because you cannot freeze the current layer, you do not have the option to freeze a group in the active viewport if the current layer is included in the group. You also cannot freeze the active viewport on the Model layout tab.
  1. If necessary, open the Layer Properties Manager by clicking Home tabLayers panelLayer Properties.
  2. Click the layer group whose properties you want to change, and specify properties:
    If you want to… Then…
    specify whether the group is locked right-click, select Lock, and select Lock or Unlock Off.
    specify whether the group is frozen right-click, select Visibility, and select Thawed or Frozen.
    specify the visibility of the group right-click, select Visibility, and select On or Off.
    freeze all layers in the drawing except those in the selected layer group right-click, select Isolate Group, and select All Viewports or Active Viewport Only.