About Types of Layer Filters

With the Layer Properties Manager, you can create three types of layer filters: group filters, property filters, and layer standards filters.

Group filters can contain any layers in the current drawing. You can manually add layers to, and remove layers from, group filters by dragging layers within the Layer Properties Manager into the group filter or by selecting an object in the drawing on the layer that you want to add to the group filter.

Group filters are considered static because they are not automatically updated. They include only the layers that were assigned when the group was created. You can manually add layers to, and remove layers from, group filters.

Property filters contain layers that meet filter criteria that you specify for the group. Filter criteria can select layers according to layer states (on/off, frozen/thawed, locked/unlocked), properties, or names. For example, you can create a property filter that includes all of the red layers in the current drawing.

Property groups are considered dynamic because they are automatically updated when you change the properties of layers that are part of the group. Property filters are also updated when you add or modify layers that meet the criteria specified in the filter. You cannot manually add layers to, or remove layers from property filters.

The layer groups named Xrefs and All are created automatically.