To Edit Style-Based Property Sets Attached to Objects in External References

Use this procedure to edit values of manual, style-based property set data attached to objects that are referenced externally (xrefs) in your drawing.

  1. Double-click the xref in your drawing.

  2. In the Reference Edit dialog box, on the Identify Reference tab, select Prompt to select nested objects, and click OK.
  3. Select the object in the xref, and press Enter.
  4. Double-click the object to make changes to the property set data.
  5. On the Properties palette, click the Extended Data tab.

    If object-based and style-based property sets are attached to the object, both display on the Extended Data tab.

  6. Next to Property Sets From Style, click (Edit style property set data).
  7. On the Edit Property Set Data worksheet, enter new values for the property set data, and click OK.

  8. Click Multiple Objects tabEdit Reference panelSave Changes or Multiple Objects tabEdit Reference panelDiscard Changes.
  9. Click OK to verify your selection.