To Create a Wall Opening Endcap Style

Wall opening endcap styles are endcap conditions assigned to a wall end adjacent to a door, window, or door and window assembly. An opening endcap style has no independent geometry, but must use a wall endcap style as its geometry definition.

Note: When you change a wall endcap style, all opening endcap styles based on the wall endcap style are modified, too.

Like a wall endcap style, an opening endcap style must be assigned to a wall style.

  1. Verify that the wall endcap style you want to base your opening endcap style on is present in your drawing, and has the correct geometry.
  2. Click Manage tabStyle & Display panelStyle Manager.
  3. Expand Architectural Objects.
  4. Expand Opening Endcap Styles, right-click, and click New.
  5. Click the Design Rules tab.

    In an opening endcap style, you have to define the endcap condition between the wall and the opening separately for each direction: jamb start, jamb end, sill, and head.

  6. Under Endcap Style, select the wall endcap style for each opening direction.
  7. Click OK.