To Import Sheets Into the Sheet Set

Use this procedure to import a sheet into the project sheet set.

When you import a layout as a sheet, the layout and its associated sheet drawing are physically not moved from their original location. For example, if you import a layout from the drawing C:\Additional Drawings\Example.dwg into the project sheet subset Architectural, the selected sheet is displayed under the Architectural subset; the Example.dwg file, however, is not moved into the Sheets folder of the project. This drawing remains in its original location under C:\Additional Drawings\Example.dwg.

If you switch to the Explorer View, the imported sheet drawing is listed if the drawing is located outside the folder. It is marked with a special icon .

A sheet can belong to only one sheet set. You cannot import a sheet that is already part of another sheet set.

  1. On the Quick Access toolbar, click Project Navigator .
  2. Click the Sheets tab, and click (Sheet Set View) in the title bar.
  3. Select the sheet subset into which to import the sheet, right-click, and click Import Layout as Sheet.
  4. Click Browse for Drawings.
  5. Browse for the drawing file containing the sheet you want to import, and click Open.
  6. Select the sheet layout to import.
    Note: You can select multiple layouts here.
  7. If you want the sheet name to be prefixed with the sheet drawing’s file name, select Prefix sheet titles with file name.
  8. Click OK.
  9. Note: To import a layout that is currently open and displayed on the drawing screen, select the subset in which it should be displayed, right-click, and click Import Current Layout as Sheet.