To Specify Offsets for Roof Line and Floor Line Vertices

When you add or move a vertex on the roof line or the floor line of a wall, you specify the horizontal and vertical offset of the vertex. You can specify the offset relative to other vertices or to the base height or the baseline of the wall. The following table identifies the locations you can specify for the horizontal offset of a vertex. The offset distance is measured in the direction the wall was drawn.

This setting … Defines the horizontal offset from …
From Wall Start the wall start point.
From Wall End the wall endpoint.
From Wall Midpoint the midpoint of the wall.
From Previous Point the vertex that is one position closer to the wall start point than the vertex you are adding or moving.
From Next Point the vertex that is one position closer to the wall endpoint than the vertex you are adding or moving.
From Midpoint of Neighbors the midpoint of the distance between the current vertex and the vertex that is one position closer to the wall endpoint.

The following table identifies the locations you can specify for the vertical offset of a vertex. You can enter a negative distance for the vertical offset to position a vertex toward the ground.

This setting … Defines the vertical offset from …
From Wall Base Height the base height of the wall.
From Next Point. the vertex that is one position closer to the wall endpoint than the vertex you are adding or moving.
From Previous Point the vertex that is one position closer to the wall start point than the vertex you are adding or moving.
From Baseline the baseline of the wall.