User Preferences Tab (Options Dialog Box)

OPTIONS (Command) Find

List of Options

The following options are displayed.

Windows Standard Behavior

Controls keystroke and right-click behavior.

Double-click Editing

Controls the double click editing behavior in the drawing area.

(DBLCLKEDIT system variable)

Shortcut Menus in Drawing Area

Controls whether Default, Edit, and Command mode shortcut menus are available in the drawing area.

( SHORTCUTMENU system variable)

If this option is cleared, right-click is interpreted as Enter.

Right-Click Customization

Displays the Right-Click Customization dialog box. This dialog box provides further definition for the Shortcut Menus in Drawing Area option. ( SHORTCUTMENU system variable)

Insertion Scale

Controls the default scale for inserting blocks and drawings into a drawing.

Source Content Units

Sets source content units value when INSUNITS is set to 0.

(INSUNITSDEFSOURCE system variable)

If Unspecified-Unitless is selected, the object is not scaled when inserted.

Target Drawing Units

Sets target drawing units value when INSUNITS is set to 0.

( INSUNITSDEFTARGET system variable)


Sets preferences related to fields.

Display Background of Fields

Controls whether fields are displayed with a gray background.

( FIELDDISPLAY system variable)

When this option is cleared, fields are displayed with the same background as any text.

Field Update Settings

Displays the Field Update Settings dialog box. (FIELDEVAL system variable)

Priority for Coordinate Data Entry

Controls whether coordinates entered on the command line will override running object snaps.

( OSNAPCOORD system variable)

Running Object Snap

Specifies that running object snaps override coordinate entry at all times. (OSNAPCOORD system variable = 0)

Keyboard Entry

Specifies that coordinate entry overrides running object snaps at all times. (OSNAPCOORD system variable = 1)

Keyboard Entry Except Scripts

Specifies that coordinate entry overrides running object snaps, except in scripts. (OSNAPCOORD system variable = 2)

Associative Dimensioning

Controls whether associative dimension objects or legacy-style, nonassociative dimension objects are created.

Make New Dimensions Associative

Creates associative dimensions, which automatically adjust their locations, orientations, and measurement values when the geometric objects associated with them are modified. (DIMASSOC system variable)


Controls settings that relate to the display properties of hyperlinks.

Display Hyperlink Cursor, Tooltip, and Shortcut Menu

Controls the display of the hyperlink cursor, tooltips, and shortcut menu.


The shortcut menu provides additional hyperlink options when you select an object that contains a hyperlink and then right-click in the drawing area.


Controls Undo and Redo for Zoom and Pan.

Combine Zoom and Pan Commands

Groups multiple and consecutive zoom and pan commands as a single action for undo and redo operations.

Note: Pan and zoom commands that are started from the menu are not combined, and always remain separate actions.
Combine Layer Property Changes

Groups layer property changes made from the Layer Properties Manager.

Block Editor Settings

Displays the Block Editor Settings dialog box. Use this dialog box to control the environment settings of the Block Editor.

Lineweight Settings

Displays the Lineweight Settings dialog box. Use this dialog box to set lineweight options, such as display properties and defaults, and also to set the current lineweight.

Default Scale List

Displays the Default Scale List dialog box to manage the default list of scales displayed in several dialog boxes associated with layout viewports and plotting. You can delete all custom scales and restore the default list of scales.