To Create an Offset Section View

An offset section view is generated by offsetting (bending) the cutting plane to show features that are not in a straight line.

  1. Click Layout tabCreate View panelSection drop-downOffset . Find
  2. Click the view you want to use as the parent view. The start direction arrow appears at the cursor.
  3. Click in the drawing area to indicate the start point of the section line. The end direction arrow appears at the cursor.
    • Use object snaps, object snap tracking, ortho and polar tracking to specify the location of the section line precisely.
    • If the CONSTRAINTINFER system variable is 1, the section line is automatically constrained to the parent view.
  4. Click in the drawing area to indicate the vertexes of the bends.
  5. Click in the drawing area to indicate the end point of the section line and press ENTER. A preview of the section view appears at the cursor.
    Tip: You can modify the properties of the section view using the Section View Creation ribbon contextual tab.
  6. Move the preview to the desired location and click to place the view.
    Tip: The preview is constrained to move only in a direction perpendicular to a section line segment. To relax the constraint, tap SHIFT. To restore the constraint, tap SHIFT again.
  7. Click Section View Creation tabCreate panelOK.