To Customize the Ribbon from the Application Window

The sections in this topic cover how to customize the ribbon from the application window:

Note: Customization changes made to the display of ribbon tabs and panels with the procedures in this topic are not retained unless you save the changes to the current or a new workspace. Use the WORKSPACE command or the procedure in the "Save a Workspace" section of the "To Work With Workspaces" topic to save the changes made to a workspace.

Show and Hide a Ribbon Tab

  1. On the ribbon, right-click over a tab, panel, or command button to display a contextual menu.
  2. From the contextual menu, click Show Tabs and choose the tab to display or hide.

    A checkmark, in front of a ribbon tab's name, indicates that the tab is currently shown on the ribbon.

Show and Hide a Ribbon Panel

  1. On the ribbon, click the ribbon tab that contains the panel you want to show or hide.
  2. Right-click over a tab, panel, or command button to display a contextual menu.
  3. From the contextual menu, click Show Panels and choose the panel to display or hide.

    A checkmark, in front of a ribbon panel's name, indicates that the panel is currently shown on the ribbon tab.

    Note: Some tabs include additional panels that are hidden by default.

Undock (or Float) a Ribbon Panel

  1. On the ribbon, click and hold the left mouse button down in an empty area of the ribbon panel you want to undock.
  2. Drag the ribbon panel away from the ribbon.
  3. Release the left mouse button to undock the ribbon panel.
    Note: Press ESC while dragging the ribbon panel to cancel the undocking operation and restore the ribbon panel's previous position.

You can restore a ribbon panel to its previous location on the ribbon by clicking the Return Panels to Ribbon button on the ribbon panel. The Return Panels to Ribbon button is displayed when you position the cursor over an undocked panel.