About Organizing Commands and Controls on a Ribbon Panel

Commands and controls are added to and organized with rows and sub-panels on a ribbon panel.

Commands and controls on a ribbon panel can be organized using

The following table describes the properties for the Line command of Row 1 on the Home 2D - Draw ribbon panel as they appear in the Properties pane.

Properties for the Line Command on Row 1 of the Home 2D - Draw Ribbon Panel

Properties Pane Item




Text used as the name and label of the command button; does appear in the user interface.

Note: Use the “\n” character sequence to represent a line break and display a command label on more than one line. The “\n” character sequence is displayed as a space instead of the characters “\n” after the changes to the command are saved.


Button Style

Controls the size and label display of the command.

Note: It is recommended to not use the Large with Text (Horizontal) option as it takes up extra space on the ribbon.

If your icons are defined with sizes other than 16x16 for small icons or 32x32 for large icons, set RIBBONICONRESIZE to 0. The program does not resize ribbon icons to a standard size when RIBBONICONRESIZE is set to 0. Additionally, Button Style for the command or drop-down menu must be set to LargeWithoutText.

Large with Text (Vertical)

Group Name

Specifies the group name assigned to the command that is used to control the organization of the command on a drop-down.

Command Name

Text that contains the name of the command as it appears in the Command List pane.



Text used to describe the element; does not appear in the user interface.

Creates straight line segments

Extended Help File

Text that displays the file name and ID for the extended tooltip that is displayed when the cursor hovers over the command on the ribbon panel.

Command Display Name

Text that contains the name of the AutoCAD command that is related to the command.



The command sequence that should be executed when the command is executed from a ribbon panel. It follows the standard command macro syntax.



Keywords associated with a command, and provide an additional field to search when using the Search box in the application menu.


Specifies the characters that can be used to access the command on a ribbon panel from the keyboard when the Alt key is pressed.

Note: The MENUBAR system variable must be set to 0, in order to use keytips.


Tooltip Title

Text string for the title of the command's tooltip.

Element ID

Tag that uniquely identifies a command or user interface element.


Small Image

File name or resource ID string of the small (16×16) image resource.


Large Image

File name or resource ID string of the large (32×32) image resource.